Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your Defense is Offensive

Hello all, I am back after a Mid-term week long hiatus.

Your Defense is Offensive

Anyone who is a fan of watching the sport of basketball has to have a serious problem with what the NBA has grown into. In the first play of this video Kevin Durant beats his man while three others stand and watch him go straight to the rim, one guy does throw a weak attempt at blocking the shot. In the second play all four players from the heat stand around and watch as Blake Griffin puts on a show. Three guys were within arms length of Griffin but were too lazy to even jump up and contest the dunk. In the third play one (poor) guy gets back in transition defense as his team mates watch him take part in the embarrassing side of a poster-dunk. In the Fourth play it's the same thing, one guy gets beat and it's straight to the rim for a weakly contested poster dunk. In the fifth and final play Derek Rose runs the length of the court and gets an ally-oop dunk in front of two piston defenders.

Now I know, it's a highlight tape of dunks and it's not always like that right?! WRONG! The NBA has become to basketball what the WWF is to wrestling, in my opinion it's a joke. Now watch this video and tell me the difference (minus the tackling), because from a basketball fan standpoint I don't see one:

Offense wins games, defense wins championships:
As a North Carolina fan, this is painful for me to say but I actually do love watching Duke (when they're good) because of how fundamentally sound they are. They play TEAM defense, something lost in the NBA. If the ball is on the opposite side of the court you very rarely see a Duke player not in the help position. If you google "Top Defensive plays" for the NBA you get 10 plays, 8 swats and 2 steals that end in a dunk. The NBA is officially all about the swat, the dunk and the theatrics. Yet we wonder why kids don't understand if you stay on your feet with your arms straight up they wont call you for a foul but the moment you leave your feet to get that "dikembe mutombo" swat your going to get called for the body.

Moral of the Story:
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success" - Henry Ford

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